• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



Tips to convert challenge into an opportunity

In the lockdown period, I see people are complaining about boredom and too much time on their hands with nothing to do. Buy my friends; life is too short to think of “having too much time” while sitting your favorite chair or couch, and watching some show or just playing a game on your phone is not everything. Today we’ll learn what other small but precious things we can do to brighten our lives. 

  • Reconnecting with others: We all have some friends and relatives whom we haven’t contacted in months or even in years. Just a call and few mins of talk can freshen up your relationship with them. We all have our memories and stories about each other that we can talk and discuss. But why just stop at calling friends and family alone? There might be others on your contact list that you know of and have had a good time with them. Adding a personal touch can help you lighten up someone’s mood and make them happy.

  • Learn a New skill: You can quickly learn a new skill such as playing guitar or learning how to cook or anything you dreamed of learning but never got time for it. There are virtually thousands of videos on youtube and similar sites can you can start with almost anyone to learn what you always wanted. 

  • Organizing your room/closets/drawers and your life: Sounds familiar? Of course, it does. Each day we get dressed up and leave, and what’s left in the room is a mess. Lockdown has given us precious time to work out a way to organize everything around us, whether it is our rooms or even our life.  

  • Start writing: What better way to express our emotions than typing them out? Writing is an art that everyone should know. You can simply start with a diary, and if you are confident enough, you can even start your own blog. Who knows, you might become the next social influencer. 

Life has given us an opportunity in the form of lockdown, so let’s not waste it by saying we have nothing to do or have too much time on our hands. 

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