• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



The Indispensable Role of Public Policy and Good Governance

In the modern increasing world, almost every being wished to live in a flawless society. This dream can be fulfilled only when an important condition is fulfilled with full concern – Having a set of policies and residing by it whatever the instance might be. The world is changing rapidly. The 21st-century societies are not still the same as the older ones. For the betterment, a set of rules and regulations are to be followed.  Public policy and Good governance play a vital role in bringing peace and happiness among all. Everyone can and should live happily.

What are public policies –

Public policies are the policies well established by the government. Once the set of rules are prepared, we should stand behind it and keep implementing it even in our tiniest issue in life. It makes us govern ourselves properly. It follows just like the example of sowing of seeds – When we plant a seed, we find it a relatively easier task. We just need to select a right container, bury the soil according to its size and then water it as a part of our daily task but as a week gets over, we start feeling tired before the plant starts bearing fruits. Similar to this, residing by the policies should be taken as our uttermost duty. We should always keep in mind that they take care of our lives. We will get benefited in return.

The heart of the plan –

Before implementing the plan, we can realize that good governance is the heart of the plan. The introduction of good governance was done by the World Bank back in 1989, and since then the concept has been playing an important role in developmental activities. Poverty reduction and human welfare became the center points,  side-lining the economic growth of the society.  

Public policies are one type of tool that has total control over all kinds of activities going on in society. This helps the citizens to attain their goals in their respective fields. Efficient management for policy implementations is not that easy. Good governance is the key. The function of governance depends on the state and the center.

Summing up –

For a country to achieve its goal, the government takes a lot of steps. With good coordination of state and centre, the public policies are made.  Proper and good governance is aimed with the participation of all the political parties, Private and public sectors and NGOs. Countries take care of low-income groups for the upliftment and make many policies in regard to the development and its governance.

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