• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



Show a little bit of kindness to the people in need

  • Did you ever ask a glass of water to the delivery boy who delivered the food packet of joy you were waiting for in scorching heat or heavy rains?
  • Did you ever thank the butler who served the delicious platter at the restaurant?
  • Did you ever take a moment and appreciate the work of the person working under you?
  • Did you ever take a glance in the eyes of the garbage collector who happily accepts the things you discarded?
  • Did you ever take a pause and appreciate the ones who are working for you and making your life easy like watchman, driver, laundry boy, milkman, sweeper?

I can bet that the answer to most of my questions would be a big NO by everyone reading out and there would be no shock as our daily lives are filled with so much hustle and bustle so that one can survive that we have actually forgotten to live and enjoy life.

There is a saying “It’s more blessed to give than to receive”. Irrespective of the religion one belongs to all the holy books mentioned about it in different forms. The one who gives back to the universe be it any form is the most liberated, happy and enlightened soul and the easiest way to give back is to be kind towards someone who is in real need.

The recent situation that is hitting bad to the world in the form of pandemic says it all, that how life is so vulnerable and how one gets on knees when you don’t have money, don’t have shelter and even food to feed your family. The worst-hit class is the labour class. After being kicked out of work with no payment and tossed out of the rented homes,  millions of labourers just marching back home which is hundreds of miles away with swollen toes, few pennies in the pocket, a hungry stomach and never-ending troubles that they have to face. 

During the pandemic, human race have seen a lot of worst things happening all around and in between all that chaos seeing many lending hands of support and showing humanity and the justifying the word kindness in different forms. People donating money from their share of savings, many NGOs and government working all together to support the stranded labourers and stray animals by feeding them and providing shelter to millions of them, doctors serving with never-ending shifts selflessly to save the lives of affected, security personnel working 24*7 to make sure of no nuisances created while lockdown. Seeing this all united efforts fills the heart with happiness most of the crowd is trying to do their bit to serve the needy.

The joy of giving from the share of your life is indescribable and it needs lots of courage. It gives a sense of satisfaction saving the living being by your share of kindness. Be it a pandemic or normal running life each and every human should try to take a step back from busy life and show their bit of kindness to the universe because “the more you give is the more you have.”

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