• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



Rising Stars: The Unstoppable Momentum of Women Empowerment in India

“The idea of perfect womanhood is perfect independence.” — Swami Vivekanand

Women empowerment in India is not just a social initiative but a transformative journey towards building a more inclusive and progressive nation. The recent years have seen remarkable strides in this direction, heralding a new era of opportunities and achievements for women. Countless inspiring women, are driving change and setting new benchmarks for what is possible.

Recent Developments in Women Empowerment

Political Representation

Draupadi Murmu’s Presidency: Draupadi Murmu, the first tribal woman to become the President of India, stands as a testament to the changing political landscape. Her rise to the highest office in the country underscores the growing acceptance and recognition of women’s leadership.

Increased Female Participation: The 2024 Lok Sabha elections saw a record number of women candidates elected, signaling a shift towards gender-inclusive governance. Women now hold 14% of the seats, the highest in India’s parliamentary history.

Economic Empowerment

Financial Inclusion: The Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana has brought millions of women into the banking fold, empowering them with financial independence. As of 2024, women hold over 50% of the 460 million accounts opened under this scheme.

Women’s participation under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS)

Entrepreneurship Support: Schemes such as the Stand-Up India and Mudra Yojana have facilitated easier access to credit for women entrepreneurs, fostering a culture of women-led businesses and start-ups.

Some of Our Inspiring Women’s’ Success Stories:

  • Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw: As the founder of Biocon, one of India’s leading biotechnology companies, Kiran has become a global icon in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Falguni Nayar: The founder of Nykaa, an online beauty and wellness retail giant, Falguni Nayar has redefined the e-commerce landscape in India.
  • Roshni Nadar Malhotra: As the chairperson of HCL Technologies, Roshni is a powerful figure in the IT industry, driving innovation and corporate responsibility.
  • Mary Kom: A world-renowned boxer and Olympic medallist, Mary Kom is an inspiring figure in sports, advocating for women’s participation in athletics.
  • Gita Gopinath: The first woman to serve as the Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Gita Gopinath is a leading figure in global economic policy.

Education and Skill Development

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao: This flagship initiative has significantly improved the girl child education scenario. The gross enrolment ratio for girls in secondary education rose to 81.32% in 2023 from 78.71% in 2020.

Skill Development Initiatives: Programs under the Skill India Mission have trained over 15 million women in various vocational skills, equipping them for employment in diverse sectors.

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/

Challenges to Women Empowerment

Despite these advancements, several barriers still impede the full empowerment of women in India.

Cultural and Social Barriers

Deep-rooted patriarchal norms continue to hinder women’s progress, especially in rural areas where traditional roles are strictly enforced.

Cases of domestic violence, sexual harassment, and human trafficking remain alarmingly high, necessitating stronger legal frameworks and enforcement.

Economic Disparities

Women in India earn, on average, 19% less than their male counterparts. This wage disparity is a significant hurdle in achieving economic equality.

A large proportion of women work in the informal sector, where they face job insecurity, lack of benefits, and low wages.

Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com

Future Goals for Women Empowerment

Enhancing Political Participation

Expanding reservation policies for women in legislative bodies can ensure their greater participation in governance. Implementing leadership training programs for women can prepare them for political roles and help break the glass ceiling.

Promoting Economic Independence

Enforcing equal pay for equal work to bridge the wage gap and ensure fair compensation for women. Increasing financial incentives, mentorship programs, and networking opportunities for women entrepreneurs.

Improving Education and Skills

Investing in educational infrastructure and resources in rural areas to ensure comprehensive and inclusive learning for girls. Expanding skill development programs to equip women with the necessary skills for emerging job markets, particularly in technology and digital sectors.

Strengthening Healthcare and Safety

Ensuring access to comprehensive healthcare services, including reproductive and mental health support for women. Strengthening legal frameworks and enforcement mechanisms to protect women from violence and discrimination.



Looking Forward for a Progressive Change..

The journey towards women empowerment in India is filled with remarkable achievements and persistent challenges. As India continues to push forward, the focus must remain on creating an environment where every woman has the opportunity to thrive, contribute, and lead. With sustained efforts, legislative support, and societal change, India can build a future where women empowerment is not just a goal but a reality. The future of women in India looks promising as the country makes steady progress towards gender equality and women empowerment.

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