• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



Motivation and It’s Magic Wand

The eagerness to achieve our goal is always backed by motivation. The motivation is the intense drive to achieve one’s aim. And achievements are always associated with rewards. Motivation is determination, eagerness, excitement for doing work. The magic of motivation is the achievement of an individual and a group. Today people do a lot of hardship to reach their destination.  And to get into the ocean of their dreams. Fulfilling dreams becomes easier with the right motivation.

Motivation always helps in the enhancement of the desired performance and thereafter gets the satisfaction of performance. Because of the rewards of the achievements individuals have to strive. And this is fulfilled by motivation. 

A small kinder garden kid gets a jerk of energy with love. Kind and supportive words motivate a school going student. The motivation for achieving things and rewards that they will get is always inspiring. Parents of young kids always try to motivate them by showing them a better and bright future. When kids get to know the benefits of reaching their aim, get motivation for achieving.

It is the youngster’s dream, the dream of achieving their goals and bringing their dreams to reality. It is not always easy for anyone to reach their destinations. To bring that to reality, the youngsters do a lot of hard work and motivation works like a kick and a dose of internal support. Motivation always comes with positivity and its effect on confidence level is remarkable. It helps the person to struggle hard and to touch the sky of success.

Keys of motivation


The first step of motivation is trust, trust in yourself. Never make the obstacles to create hurdles. Trust on yourself is the best and foremost motivation. It is a must for all, especially in today’s life trust plays an important role.

Support :

Motivation in the form of support is one of the main requirements. Everyone needs support, support in the form of a friend, parents, relatives or wellbeing. Support is the motivation and the strength of the strugglers who in the future become the achievers. 

Suggestion :

True and honest suggestions always provide motivation. Getting the right guidance in the form of trustworthy suggestions to work wonders in achieving the goals. Working on them will fetch success.

No Bleating:

Motivation is always no complaining. Bleating is negative. So always try to be cheerful and work with an easy-going process. 

Motivation is an extra dose of creating interest in the ongoing work in the path of success. Achieving becomes easy and full filling of dreams becomes reality. This is the real magic of motivation. Personal enhancement and achieving the destination becomes easy with motivation.

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