• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



Monsoon and Its Beautiful Effect On Life

The first drop of the first monsoon downpour when reaches the ground results in happiness and provides a bright shine to the eyes of all living creatures. The expectations of the farmers get the jerk of happiness. People get relief from the scorching heat. Animals feel the coolness of downpour. Birds now don’t search for water anymore. Cool breeze gives the comfort of mother nature. After the scorching heat and uneasiness of summer, monsoon and it’s a beautiful effect in life can be seen on the tiniest creature.

Dreams of the farmers, of having a healthy and quantum crop gets its first step. Monsoon gives strength to the farmers of India. Even today farmers dependent on rainfall. Many places are there where there is very less amount of monsoon rain. When monsoon starts on time and rain in the right quality then the farmers expect a good crop. The labor and money invested behind agriculture, farming, plantation, etc gets a good return only with a good monsoon.

India is very much dependent on its monsoon. All of us are aware of the fact that India is a land of agriculture. Our food and culture show its enriched association with crops. Every harvest in every state follows some cultural festivals. And happiness lies in the eyes of each individual. The monsoon results in joy.

Kids and elders enjoy each droplet of rain, kids love to drench, run under the raining sky.   A fresh mind is the root of good health and rainfall gives a fresh mind. Playing with paper boats or jumping and splashing the deposited water on the depressed points. The green clean leaves and the ever-smiling trees make the world an enchanting place to dwell in. 

Colour full rainbow at the midst of the bright sky, the singing birds under the cloud. The dancing peacock and the happy grazing cattle and at the most the happy little kids are the results of a downpour. 

Monsoon, on the one hand, gives a refreshed mind and the other hand gives the pleasure of a bright and growing economy. With a healthy monsoon, agriculture contributes 15% of GDP. It helps to derive hydroelectricity which forms nearly 25% of total power. On top of the list, it increases the amount of fresh water. Export and import and growth and development somehow all rely on rain.  

Every coin has two sides. The monsoon which has a lot of positivities also shows its ill face in the form of floods and landslides. The damage and destruction caused are huge. In terms of economic and health, both suffer tremendously. Today the economy and technology are so advanced that the government is capable of handling all those negativities and making the people of the country enjoy the monsoon droplets for their betterment.

One comment

  1. Prakash Mishra
    September 4, 2020


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