• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



Leadership Tips in times of change

Over the years, we have seen a lot of changes in almost everything, from a trivial item like a toothbrush to a significant technology such as a GPS satellite in the sky. Change is imminent and resisting it is like swimming against a river’s flow, yes you can carry on for some time, but in the end, you’ll have to adjust to change. So, this post discusses the importance of Leadership in these changing times. The term leadership is not just about being the leader of a team, but rather about nurturing new talents, strategizing, understanding the weakness and strengths of people working alongside you. True leaders will work hard to keep their teams afloat and yet, thrive in this time of intense changes. Changes that leaders accept might be disruptive and might even seem extreme, but this is precisely what keeps everything fresh and innovative and brings out the team’s creativity. But how can you adopt a mindset that helps you develop leadership qualities and instates the same your team? Confused? Keep reading to understand this: 

  • Live in the Present and Plan for the Future: What makes a leader a true leader is the mindset of living in the present and strategizing for the future. Attachment to the past—and the present—is a real human trait. As difficult as it is, letting go of that attachment is necessary to see the current situation.
  • Building the Right Team: Anyone can understand the need for having the right team members to achieve success. The major part of Leadership is getting such people in one place. It’s understandable that assembling the right team isn’t an easy task and won’t happen overnight. Many times you’ll have to let go of some people, and it can be emotional and sometimes personal too. Nevertheless, the leader should have the ability to make tough calls. One of the vital skills that you should look in people is the willingness to improve. 
  • Make a Plan and Follow it: Clear vision plays a significant role in making or breaking a team. Predicting the future is impossible, but strategizing alternatives for future endeavors is still an option. Share your vision of where you are going and what you must accomplish as a Team to get there. Explain the “why” and the “how.” You might need to simplify some of the vision for clarity and create common language behind it to aid in understanding. 
  • Communication and Understanding: You have to connect with your team to talk with them about what you’re seeing and what you like or dislike; this helps bolster the responses you want. Everyone has a different frequency of understanding, and repetitive messages might sound to deliver a message, but who wants to be an old broken record? So to make it useful, you might have to connect with your team at the individual level. But never stop communicating.

 Leadership itself is a big responsibility with a broad set of rules and duties to fulfill. It takes years of experience and understanding to form a perfect team and lead it to success.

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