• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



Leadership – Now an Absolute Necessity

As said by John Quincy Adams, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” To become an eminent leader in the world of millions, it’s like defining a flower in the bouquet of thorns. 

Acquiring leadership qualities is all about encouraging people around you to dream bigger, conquer wider and achieve greater.  

To become a true leader and to not miss the boat, you have to follow some protocols. If you wish to expand your skills and prove to others that you’re the one they should learn from, you have come down to the right place. 

Here are some beneficial tips you can follow in order to acquire leadership qualities.

1.   Keep learning – In order to become a successful leader in your future, start learning and memorizing things from today. You can opt for the idea of learning and then teaching others to memorize well, jotting down notes, summarizing the information, and learning frequently without missing many sections. All you have to do is staying focused all day and stop missing important things. Try to push away your distractions and start eating brain-boosting foods.

2.   Take risks constantly – Start taking risks in your life without being afraid of the consequences. Try to approach them strategically and become an expert in your field to take on further risks whenever possible. Don’t forget to count down on the information before heading the way. Try to dominate your inner space by making smart choices. And if you fail, remember that failure is the beginning of a successful life.

3.   Learn from others – Try to collaborate your ideas with others and keep sharing too. Never stop taking other’s suggestions and learning from it. When the person right to you teaches you something from their life and experiences, think of it as the best opportunity to learn it. Try to suppress down your ego in front of others. Think that nature has taken its call and has presented someone before you to make you learn gradually.

4.   Mentor others in time of need – You may possess all types of wisdom and may know how to prove yourself better than others. But in the time of need, you should try to help your opponents too. Do you remember still the principle which you learned in your primary school – “Listen and think twice before you speak”? Act accordingly. Believe me, it makes you a great leader.

5.   Be honest and confident – When you’re in charge of a group of people you just can’t take the other option of being dishonest. As a leader, it is your responsibility for handling the team well. If you commit a sin, what will your juniors learn from you? Start adopting the idea of asking yourself if you are better enough to handle the team? Your answer should be positive – always. It helps you achieve personal career gains and build a new perspective.

6.   Stay committed – There are numerous ways by which you can stay committed all the time – Remain accountable to everyone around you, don’t let overconfidence overrule you, refine your goals and focus more on the topics which are important. The key to be dedicated is never giving up on distractions. You can also try to remember the long term benefits of it.

7.   Improve decision making power – The real step of being a true leader is foresightedness. Try to make impactful decisions all the time. Research on everything beforehand and never be afraid. The right decision at the right time will surely let you be benefitted, they have a huge influence on life. This power even helps you to get rid of any situation easily. You can use this universal power to help yourself recover from the mistakes.

8.   Being a good communicator – When it comes to communication, you may overestimate or underestimate yourself. There are times when you presume that others like your communication skills when they actually don’t. Try to read your audience carefully and keep them immersed in one topic while preparing for the others. Try to forge an emotional connection, express your feelings freely, and read other’s body language. Try to make your dialogues interesting.

In an increasingly technology-mediated world, there are vast opportunities for you to become a true leader. It has become the absolute necessity of many. Since thoughts are the major constraints, you must resolve all your issues at the basic level. 

Being a true leader is something possible only from one end of the pole where your inner being resides. Try to eco the way to your soul. Try to justify your thoughts and make others feel comfortable with you. This will surely make you leapfrog to the next stages within your limited time.

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