• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



Humanity’s Underpreparedness – A Massive Price to Pay in Installments

Proper Prioritization leads any society to victory. Irrespective of any type of life form, setting priorities accordingly helps the said species to flourish further. As an example, a Cheetah hunts its prey by sprinting only up to a certain distance. Otherwise, it’ll burn itself down and won’t be able to tread further. Humans are not different by any means and the year 2020 along with the Coronavirus scare, priorities seem to be shifting, finally!

With the massive number of debates spewing up at the end of 2019 whether this was a new decade or not, a bustling country in China was already struggling with an unbelievable number of Pneumonia cases. Not a lot of information leaked out of the country due to the censorship norms. However, things escalated rather quickly when the Industrial Hub Wuhan started taking implausible damage from all walks of life.

The government stepped up and restricted movement of people in order to contain this certain strain of the virus that had been named as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Novel Coronavirus 2 (SARS-nCoV-2) or, in general, the Coronavirus. The infectivity levels of this virus have been rather unparalleled, compared to other virus types in quite a while. This is a Novel Type Virus meaning Humans have had no previous encounters with this particular strain.

With all the news and media attention everywhere, the first and foremost thing to do is to get rid of every possible type of physical contact. Having said that, this virus particularly spreads from human to human through sneezing and coughing, making it release the droplets in the form of an aerosol that sticks around in the air for quite a while and on other surfaces as well.

The common symptoms of this menace are:

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Dry Cough
  • Sneezing
  • Breathing Troubles (Extreme)

Even though the infectivity rates are going off the roof, it is still not that bad of a virus. The treatment procedures have been identified, albeit temporary, and are being successfully carried out by multiple nations. The possibility of a vaccine might take a year and a half, at best. The mortality rate of this virus is not especially horrendous. Compared to plagues that humanity had to endure in their existence, this is a less severe virus with high infectivity.

Corresponding to that of HIV, other troubles in the body go out of control exponentially. Even with such a situation on our hands, our healthcare systems are unbelievably broken. The flow of money wasn’t diverted to the basic amenities that people have a right to in the world today. Healthcare is a major right alongside Food. With the never-ending wars and conflicts coming to a close, globalization and closeness grew multiple folds.

However, priorities never really changed. It might have been the right kick on our behinds to get the entire human race kickstarted in order to face the next big virus. It is no certainty that the next one will be as simple and merciful as the Coronavirus. A higher mortality rate is almost something the human race must know how to avoid. Shifting Priorities are the need of the hour, on a long term scale.

Humans have trumped everything and climbed on top of the ladder. Surely the efforts henceforth will be enough to keep themselves at pole position.

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