• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



How To Spread Happiness Wherever You Go

Last week, I came across an article in which a man was very sick to spread happiness. I think the same spirit should be present everywhere, in all. This feeling makes everyone feel positive. It can even make you feel like you’re in a different world following a vibe of something different – and that’s your own vibe. That’s the same vibe whom you make everyone else feel. And if you reach this stage, you’re in a universally accepted eternal stage – the stage where you’re a master in – the stage of success in spreading happiness. Now, your main aim should be to spread happiness wherever you go to achieve a like a king in this imaginary place.

I would share with you some major steps you can follow to make a place in this world. Here you go –

  1. Care for others – Have you ever passed through a sobbing child who lost his path or who was beaten ill? Did you cross him without spreading your hands to him? This was your fault. The first step you can follow is to start taking care of others be it your friends, your family members or your foes who disagree with you always.
  2. Greet everyone – You might be feeling that it’s weird to greet but believe me, this small step can make everyone feel their presence and make all feel that they are worth something. They feel good. And so, you feel good. You can also start by adding some magic words to your daily speech.
  3. Consider other’s perspectives – Ever tried to see the world through the eyes of a person standing beside you? Ever thought of the path he followed to land on an opinion suggested by him? Try considering it and feel free like a bird who just came out of its nest.
  4. Smile more – Make everyone feel good to be near you. Why don’t you try to smile most of the time for a whole day? Smile near your kids, your coworkers, your friends, your foes, your boss, and feel the difference. This will surely make you feel more comfortable

I won’t give you other steps as I know that by following these 4, you can make a place in a world I had described earlier. I know that you went through those steps because you want to make a place in that virtual world, right? Start from today. And don’t forget – Spread happiness, spread kindness everywhere you go!

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