• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



How To Maintain Strong Interpersonal Relationships

In this modern world, one of the biggest keys to happiness is forming and maintaining interpersonal relationships. It leads to a soothe life and successful living. Skills of maintaining interpersonal relationships grow with one’s experience, communication with others, and other social ethics. Those relationships fulfill a range of physical and emotional needs. Those people are closest to you in every phase of life.

What is it:

An interpersonal relationship is a strong association and acquaintance between persons which can last for a long period of time. This can extend from family to friends, to relatives, to work associates, to neighbors, and on and on. It is a relationship in any situation.

Relationship maintenance:

The most important factor in interpersonal relationships is communication. This requires in-person talks about your feelings and emotions. Today texting and online messaging very fulfilling but they often don’t provide the same effects.

Secrets to help you out:

  • Manage your emotions:  Interpersonal relationships depend on emotions. Irritation, depression or happiness should not overwhelm. Take a deep breath, control your emotions down, and express in a patient manner. 
  • Acknowledge others’ expertise: This way is my personal favorite. Try to build trust at your workplace and let your associates know you appreciate them. 
  • Show a real interest in others: When you work beside your colleagues for hours every day, a great tip to make you comfortable is by learning something of their lives. This will surely help you build excellent relationships with your co-workers and staff which indeed adds fun.
  • A good trait in every other person – The best way to help you ace your life is by finding a good trait in every other person right beside you. It may be a person’s honesty, independency, or motivation skills.
  • Practice active listening skills: Whenever you’re in a conversation and feel bored by other’s words, try to practice the greatest skill of active listening. Make eye contact with the person and try to recall his sentences after he finishes his last word.

Final thoughts

Lastly, the secret to cross each milestone in your life is by learning the keys of your everyday job. Each day opens something new and makes you learn from your faults and mistakes. Be it the anger your boss takes out on you or the tears your eyes roll down when something bad happens. Search the details and try not to repeat those again. This would make other people realize that you’re worth making friends. So they will soon catch up with you and your interpersonal relationship will touch a new silver lining on the heaven you live in.

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