• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



How to find your dream job when you don’t know what to do with your career?

Don’t know what career you want to pursue? Well, don’t worry! You are not alone. Several people don’t know their dream job until they hit their twenties and at times, even later in life. The important thing here is to prevent your indecision from paralyzing you. Instead, take it in a positive stride and use the situation to your benefit. Not having a definite career path gives you the liberty to learn, experiment and make mistakes in your journey.


Listed below are a few questions to ask yourself to help narrow down the career option that may be the right fit for you.

  • What are you genuinely passionate about?

It’s crucial to begin your job search procedure by first answering this question. Looking for something you are interested in or makes you excited to wake up every day would make your job more fulfilling and rewarding. Thinking about your interest areas and hobbies can help find a job that keeps you engaged. When you are genuinely passionate about your work, you can avoid landing up in some position that does not motivate or inspire you.

  • What is your dream job?

Not every individual has a particular dream job set in the mind; however, thinking of some essential responsibilities or qualities you want in your dream job will help you decide the correct career path. Think of what type of work-life balance you like or what job location is suitable for you or what sort of work you imagine yourself doing.

  • What are your skills and strengths?

If you determine where your skills and strengths lie, you’d be able to get a job that fits you just right. An example list of your strengths may look something like this:

  • Quick learner
  • Hard-working
  • Organized
  • Good at multitasking
  • Excellent at leading others
  • Many companies evaluate the candidates solely based on their strengths. So make sure that your list highlights your best skills.


  • What is your qualification?

At times, choosing a career path is a practical choice, and many people pick what option comes their way. For example, if you are a major in civil or engineering, you will have a fair chance to enter one of these fields. The odds are that you love the field since you have the training or skills for it- thus it could be an easy way to select a career in it.

Once you’ve answered these big-picture questions, you also need to consider the key aspects below to make the right career decision.

  • Self-reflection:

Determine what career suits you perfectly by identifying your personality, interests and motivations. Separate your career from your academic know-how and think of what you truly want from life, coupled with a little self-reflection as well. Knowing yourself could help you pursue a career that you did not even realize you were qualified for!

  • Career aptitude test:

Another way to help discover the ideal job is by opting for a few career tests. You could take up a few tests such as Career Fitter, Truity Career Tests, Sokanu Career Test and more to narrow down your career options.

  • Work experience:

Next, it is time to grab some relevant work experience to know what career fits you best. Once you shortlist your potential sectors, apply and spend time gaining experience in varied roles to get exposure to several options. Getting work experience is a great way to begin your career and make your CV stand out.

  • Seek advice:

Reaching out to people who belong to your interest field can offer unexpected benefits. You may get some excellent advice or also recommendations to opportunities for internships, or even job openings. So, don’t hesitate to reach out to your network.


While job search isn’t an easy task, researching what you genuinely like doing before applying can help you feel comfortable in the new role and fetch something that best meets your skillset. Ultimately, the goal is to find a career that excites you and fits in your lifestyle. As Maya Angelou rightly quotes, “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” And even if you have determined what you like doing, remember to keep an open approach. You don’t have to stick to that one job for life. Keep exploring, and eventually, you will find the perfect fit.


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