• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



How to be successful despite the world crashing down

We never know what tomorrow brings into our lives in its envelope. Every moment changes life. Facing those problems valiantly is requisite. Situations, when are out of control, should be solved tactically. Here we imply that we should learn to fight the crash. Triumph in the crash should be the aim of all. It is the toughest situation but to come out of it is a success.

Negative thoughts have to be crashed down. There are times when a generation faces the heat of scarcity of job and opportunities. This is normal, one needs to understand. Today, the world is facing a crash. Millions are losing their jobs. Life is the best when one analyses the present and brings out all the possibilities to utilise the time to build a great future. Fortune is in our hands, we need to build it. Smart judgements fetch success. Wallowing in the misery of nothingness never fetches success. Success comes with thinking and implementing.

One can relish success even when the world crashes by doing a lot of things.

1.  Taking care of your health – Take care of your health with a regular daily walk, mild exercise and some yoga lessons. The right decision results in growth and success. It is possible only with good health. Health care comes in a pack of health and nutritious food.

2. Utilise time productively – Tattling is squandered. Productive utilisation of time acts as a lifeboat in the middle of a sea. One who uses the time to effectively avails success. Try to bring on the same vibe you felt before when you were trying to succeed. You know that the world is crashing down, this means you have to do everything to overcome it. Don’t get depressed or overrule your life. Think effectively and implement it.

3. Start believing in yourself – Think positive and believe in a fact that things cannot get worse. It’s like hitting the rock hard to the bottom and now things will be better in our lives and success is nearby.

4.  It’s temporary – Phases of life are just temporary and once you swim out then no one can stop you in reaching your goal. The world when crashes, it comes back into phase within a few months. The rock pile will always be there in our paths but to overcome it with hard work will help to fetch our target.

5.  Get your lesson soon after – “Success comes after failure”, a small yet a powerful lesson of our childhood to lead away to a better tomorrow. All you need is to have patience. Learning capacity from failure will overcome the hurdles. You shouldn’t leave the habit of learning. There is no age for learning. Keep learning and enrich yourself with the vast world of knowledge and gain success in every field you are in.

Sporadically, we need to ignore the world economy for our own growth. Individual growth always doesn’t depend on the world’s growth. Many times we observe this growth is followed by success and helps to reach to our destination easily. The economy may crash but one’s success never depends on the economy. Life is a painting where you fill the colour of your choice. Paint it with the splendid colour of success. Crashes are sometimes accountable for success.

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