• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



How Can Goal Setting And Positive Reinforcement Help Employees?

Covid-19 has affected the whole world in many ways. With the second wave hitting this year, there have been significant changes in the business operations, making it difficult for employees to cope with the Covid-19 effects. About 94% of employees are suffering from stress, which in turn, is affecting their health and wellbeing. They tend to often lose track of their goals and face many obstacles, both professionally and personally. Hence, to deal with the present situation, goal setting has become essential for every business to thrive in pandemic times.

While goal setting may seem to be a challenging task, it can be fun and exciting when done correctly. And, the right way to execute it is by setting SMART goals, which means laying goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. That can help set up your business better for optimum success.

For better understanding, here are some ways that show how goal-setting can be a powerful tool for reviving business during the epidemic.

Gives Focus:

Today, when there is much chaos worldwide due to the ongoing coronavirus situation, employees are often confused about what to do and not to do. Without a goal, getting distracted is relatively easy. But with goal setting, you can help your employees stay focused on what your business wants to achieve. Having an ultimate goal in mind will enable the business and employees to direct all their energy and efforts in the right direction. Through focus, goal setting not only helps in saving time and effort but also ensures more productivity of the business.

Effective Measurement of Progress:

Simply working without measuring the progress will let you reach nowhere. But, to measure progress, you need to have a goal. Goal setting allows you to set a benchmark or endpoint. That, in turn, will allow your business and employees to easily measure progress and determine how much more time and effort are required to reach the endpoint. Goal setting also provides the employees with the required boost and motivation to work hard in pandemic times.

However, setting goals alone is not enough. In order to accomplish the set goals, positive reinforcement is also necessary. Positive reinforcement will not only increase the performance of the employees but also enhance the overall growth of your business.

Here are some of the powerful ways positive reinforcement can help.

Motivates Employees:

In a stressful pandemic situation, keeping the employees motivated to work is the need of the hour. And positive reinforcement can make this task relatively easy. Several companies are using positive reinforcement to motivate the employees and encourage them to work harder.

Organizations are providing employees with safety kits, medical assistance, increased sick pay, thank you notes, and flexible work options to motivate them. A classic example here is Amazon. The e-commerce giant has increased the sick pay for employees diagnosed with coronavirus. Such gestures help the employees know that their employers care for their needs. It also motivates them to put in their best efforts and help the businesses achieve their goals.

Retains Employees:

Retaining skilled employees is vital for any business to sustain during the tough Covid-19 times. Positive reinforcements help employees to feel appreciated and values. That, in turn, increases their commitment and loyalty towards the company, thereby enabling effective employee retention.


Now that you know the power of goal setting and positive reinforcement, leverage them and set your business for success. With the use of positive reinforcement, achieving your business goal will not seem challenging anymore.


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