• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



Controlling Expectations to Hold Down Frustrations

Ambition, expectations and achievements are the three most crucial words in our life. When we are young, we start rowing them and time continues to nurture it for us. To achieve our aim, we work hard, stay honest throughout our journey and work hard. Dreaming is prerequisite. Without dreams, we can’t even think of achieving it.

Students when start weaving their ambition, they should have a clear idea of the future. They need to plan and work accordingly. But the fact that matters the most is keeping ready a plan B. This alternate will help them thrive the challenges without worrying about failure. If they fail to keep the alternate ready, they will face the worst and won’t come out of it easily which will further lead to frustration, fear and procrastination.

With some real-life examples, few people have a natural tendency to stay goal-oriented. They should start being result-oriented instead because, if their pattern continues, it can lead to a disaster caused by every slight error.

Do you know who will be most affected if you don’t plan for alternatives and let your inner soul scream continuously if you fail to meet your expectations? Just take a moment, look around, breathe and think carefully. It’s your family. Be responsible. Don’t make them suffer for you. You know that your family supports you because they don’t want you to get frustrated.

Don’t worry about society. Their effects can never make you rise to the level you expect yourself to. They keep blaming you and make you feel worthless. Listen to your true supporter, your shadow – your heart. And you will notice later that you’re satisfied enough and you don’t care about society and their words.

It’s baffling to me how many forget about happiness and all they worry about is the external things. Yes, you’re passionate for it. You can get intense for them, but how can you forget that your imagination is short lived? Dreams and imaginations keep changing. Focus on today. God has gifted you a life where you are alive every day. How can you plan then to neglect the present and just think about the future? It’s really baffling.

The most important thing which can fuel your frustration is dominating your own choices and ideas by giving priority to what you think necessary. Believe me, if you do the same, you will soon start flowing in a tornado. This generation concentrates more on your own opinions.  

Still, if you think that you can’t ace your feelings, can’t win over it – there are some ways to help you get rid of the situation.

1.   Meditation and yoga – The elementary way to stop letting your frustrations hold you back is meditating and practising yoga. It gives peace to your soul.

2.   Expectations in control – Have you ever thought of buying a penthouse, riding a private jet and plan for a world trip? Don’t you think these plans can keep you unsatisfied throughout your life? Take a chance to ponder upon reality and set yourself a limit.

3.   Counselling – Help yourself find a tutor. There are numerous sites to help you find out some free advice. You can check online counsellors or visit a clinic for helping you cool down.

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