• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



Climate Change – Affecting Every Inhabited Region Across the Globe

In the 21st century, the climate is changing at a rapid pace than usual. The climatic changes are undoubtedly having a significant impact on every inhabited region worldwide. Changes of one to two degrees may seem to be normal to a common man, but they can have massive effects on the earth. Human activities like deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, and fertilizer use combined with natural causes such as volcanic eruption and sun’s intensity contribute to the rapid climate change.

Overheating planet earth global warming campaign mixed media

Let’s take a look at the prominent effects of climate change in all regions worldwide.

Rise in Temperature

Global warming with earth on fire illustration

The earth is gradually getting hotter day by day. Human activities are the main reason behind the increase in global warming. According to the reports of a scientist, the temperature rise level is expected to cross the average mark of 1.5C by the year 2040. With the more frequent and intensifying heatwaves, the inhabited regions are likely to experience powerful storms, severe droughts, and even more flooding. Moreover, the rise in temperature can affect the marine ecosystem severely and result in the loss of several lives.

Changes in the Precipitation Pattern

While some of the inhabited regions receive an excess of rainfall, others experience no rainfall at all. Wet areas are getting wetter, while dry areas are becoming drier. With the increase in the surface temperature of the earth, the rate of evaporation is high. This, in turn, results in an overall increase in precipitation in different parts of the globe. On the other hand, the rapid shift in ocean currents and wind patterns results in decreased precipitation in a number of regions.

Rise in Sea Level

The rise in the sea level has become more prominent across the globe. The Arctic is getting heated up at twice the speed as compared to any other place on earth. It is expected that the sea level will rise by approximately 8 feet by 2100. It may even rise by 50 feet by 2300. The melting of ice sheets and glaciers and heating of oceans mainly contribute to the rise in the sea level. The sea level rise poses a threat to the low-lying areas, coastal ecosystems, and especially the island nations such as New York, Sydney, Mumbai, and Miami.

More Droughts and Stronger Hurricanes

Heat waves and droughts in the Southwest region are becoming more intense day by day. Similarly, the frequency, intensity, as well as duration of hurricanes in different parts of the globe have increased a lot. With the increase in temperature of the earth, the inhabited regions are becoming more prone to droughts and hurricanes.


The climatic changes in different regions of the globe are having a serious impact on the environment and the living species on earth. According to the reports of WHO, the severe climatic changes are anticipated to cause about 250,000 more deaths every year between 2030 to 2050. It is not only affecting human lives but also the animal and plant species. It’s time to act and take the appropriate measures in order to ensure minimum damage and loss of lives. Switching to sustainability and reducing human activities that are harmful to the environment is the key. Let’s take the step forward and prevent the negative consequences of extreme climate changes.


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