• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



Being Perfect is Not The Old Shebang – Know the 5 Reasons to be Happy

Felicity of life comes from our eternal feelings. The key to bringing a smile to our face remains masked if we consider perfection as the necessity. We have to be happy in order to stay healthy. We should always try to find solutions to our challenges without compromising happiness.

Happiness is – Having A little Patience, Peering Into Now and Enjoy the Situation to the  Saturation…

In the present society, the kids are running a cat race to achieve success but behind it, they fail to understand that they are losing their present and most of their happiness. Students should not leave aiming for the target but at the same time,  should not flow into the pace just because they are told to do so.

Career and it’s struggle will prove satisfactory and jovial only when the youngsters will to pursue it for themselves. Kids should not be overloaded with career pressure. Once they start doing their favorite work, they can do miracles. Everyone have some or different strength. It’s just a step away to polish it with the right guidance and training. Happiness and satisfaction come together in a gift pack.

1.   Cognizance of what you have

Foremost requisite is to realize what you have and its cognizance will fetch you happiness. Individuals need to realize what they have with them. Missing elements that don’t make them perfect isn’t much important. Being happy and enjoying every moment is what life needs.

2.   Health and smile

A smile comes with good pink health. If one is healthy, then he(she) can be happy. Spend some time for personal care and health, to know what fits your body. Then enjoy every sip of life. The key to self-satisfaction is not being perfect, it’s about caring for the health and not letting the health issues kill you virtually. The realization is required that one may not be perfect in his(her) job but is happy because of good health.

3.   Collate with others

In every corner of our society, we find needy people, few poor and few starving. One must realize their pain. The realization of their pain will bring a lot of happiness in oneself. A feeling of peace comes to our mind immediately when we collate them with others. One may not be perfect and collating with others will definitely make them happy. One should live life fully. To rise high and achieve perfection, we should always follow our dreams but should never let them overrule our present happiness.

4.   Challenges of life

  When challenges come on the way, we should convert that into a book of learning and should be happy to resolve the same.  Challenges when is converted into learning, it becomes a reason for our happiness. Here perfection doesn’t count. In every step, we should be ready to face the challenge with a smile. Happiness will readily follow us.

5.   Being happy at the present

To bring happiness, we can always try to find happiness in the things around us – the leaves of the plants, the buzzing honeybees trying to collect nectar from flowers, they perhaps will return back to their queen, the monstrous yellowish devil! Nature is the best when we feel to ponder upon something.  While planning and working for our future, we should bring completeness. Happiness does not depend on the future or past, it is today. We must learn from mistakes and bring out the inner happiness.

There are a dozen other reasons to be happy – our family, the foremost thing to consider. So, we should always throw an arrow to achieve two things at a go, the primary one being happiness and the second being perfect.

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