• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



Being Human In This Pandemic

Having money is not happiness. Amid this pandemic, there are numerous ways available to help others who don’t have what you have. Admit it – at some point, you feel like helping others to fetch happiness. The more this mind is tuned to accept the truth, happiness lasts. When you find to know that suicide has become the second most common cause of death now, what do you think? You think about the ways in which you can spend time volunteering and helping others in need. What else does a satisfied mind need? Your willingness to help others can never go in vain. To start maintaining internal happiness, here are a few ways to respond.

1.   Donate blood – Due to this uninvited enemy, there is a decrease in the willingness of people to donate blood. At this time of crisis, if you spend some time donating, you will surely achieve the ultimate feeling of being a human.

2.   Make a donation – How do you feel when you go to a mart or a grocery store after you have spend so much time indoors? Now think about the migrants and jobless persons who can never think of visiting one. How about donating some items to them after you return from the store? You can also support a food bank to help those in need.

3.   Volunteering virtually – You can’t spend your hours volunteering for others if you yourself have some work unfinished. Opt for the idea of exploring ways to connect to people online. There are many sites left for you to search for. Additionally, if you have some sort of plan to help cure this disease or have ideas for developing new alternatives, you can share them here.

4.   The small steps – Hunger kills more people than coronavirus. Do you find any people on the streets begging for food or shelter? You can provide them with some essentials or with something you stored in your storeroom last week. A common question – what if I don’t find any beggars down the streets? Extend your hand to local organizations.

5.   Taking care of your health –  A perfect human is the one who himself is totally fit. Health problems can make your life more challenging and add to financial stress. Rather than eating less to fit in your jeans, spend time to eat healthy, exercise, and breakthrough your regular stressful routines.

6.   Extend help to neighbours – Right now, WHO and CDC are recommending people to maintain social distancing. Pick up your phone and reach out to your neighbours asking them the ways in which you can help them. Feel free to ask them for any financial or mental assistance. You’re still in your way of becoming a perfect human.

7.   Keep nurturing – While many organisations are facing problems in their finances, you can help them out by providing some financial aids to stop the future pandemic on its way. You can try fetching information about the tree planting organisations and the way to donate money there.

With this pandemic taking toll on our behaviour, you can try joining the club of being a perfect human. You should always stay tuned with the news of any upcoming events to help cure this pandemic or donating some money in notable organizations. In the light of this COVID – 19 pandemic, it’s the right time for you to change yourself and keep growing in the correct direction.

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