• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



7 simple ways to Strengthen our Immune System during the lockdown

With the new trending of social distancing and less exposure to the outside world, we have come to an era where health is more important than anything else in our lives. Our conventional lifestyle of getting up early and then prepping for office somewhat helped us keep our routines straight is no longer an option. Having a strong immunity that can help us fight against the threat of infectious diseases is a necessity. Today, we’ll learn something basics on how to improve our existing first line of defense – Body Immunity. There are plenty of grueling ways you can slowly change your lifestyle to work on this. You can start with these Ten Quick ways to improve your immunity almost immediately.

Get Enough Sleep: “Early to bed, early to rise.” Sleep itself is an essential part of our lives. We usually watch late-night shows or movies and sleep late to get our even late in the morning. And then we question what the difference is? I still slept for 8 hours. The difference is that you made your body work more hours and overslept in the morning without feed it. In return, you feel lethargic and weak, which eventually lowers your immunity further. So, sleeping on time is a must.

Proper Hygiene Habits: We cannot stress enough on this and why personal hygiene is so important. Proper hygiene habits help you stay away from infectious diseases such as coronavirus, flu, and even diarrhoea—self-cleansing when you return home, and washing hands before and after food are essential.

Eat a Healthy Diet: Having a well-balanced diet is like maintaining a bank balance. You can only withdraw from your body during sickness and heal quickly if you have followed good eating habits. If not, then you’ll depend on medicines and other medical care to recover. Always maintain a proper healthy diet.

Exercise Regularly: Health is wealth. In the current condition of viral infections and disease, we have to make sure that our body immunity is up to the mark to handle and protect us from these infections. Exercising can help us in hydrating our body, removing toxins, and increasing blood flow, which helps to strengthen our Immune system.

Limiting your Alcohol and Smoking: Let’s be real; consuming alcohol and smoking doesn’t have any benefit to our immunity, instead of both damage it in the long run. We should try limiting it to a minimum to help our body recover the lost immunity and make us stronger.

Adding Multi-Vitamins: We have to agree that not every diet is complete with all the essential vitamins. To make it a balanced diet, we should add mineral Vitamins such as Vitamin B6, B12, vitamin C and Vitamin D. These vitamins help us improve our immunity overtime.

Managing Stress Levels: We have to understand that stress takes a toll on our body when it goes unmonitored. The sad thing is that stress can be, and often is, an unavoidable factor in many people’s lives. But we can watch our favorite shows or even play around with kids at home to lower it. Exercising also reduces stress levels.

Our immune system is our inner-military. A weak military can’t protect itself or attack its enemies properly, rendering it a doomed excuse for protection. When your immunity is weak, you are left vulnerable to viruses, allergies, and all the other enemies lurking around you. Let’s take a pledge to make ourselves stick with a healthy routine to make ourselves stronger.

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