• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



7 Best New Year Resolutions For Leaders To Streamline Their Business Operations

With 2020 being a challenging year for businesses, the leaders are eyeing towards making 2021 a better year with progressive outcomes. Leaders have a massive responsibility to channelize their methods and work cycle and get it ready for even more significant challenges that follow in the years to come.
The year 2021 could prove to be the perfect year for them to implement the appropriate strategies. However, to give justice to these ideologies, there are a few New Year resolutions that the leaders must make this coming year.

For better understanding, here are seven New Year resolutions that leaders should make to witness impeccable growth the following year.

  • Put A Full Stop To The Idea Of Micromanaging Employees

Micromanagement is the old-school ideology that most leaders implement to look after individual work cycles. However, in reality, it creates a massive problem in the working space as the skills of employees get hampered over time.The employees don’t get the chance to grow and develop their skills when they are pinpointed for every bit of the work they do. Therefore, as a leader, the first resolution you should make is to allow your employees to do the work they are hired for. Instead of micromanagement, you can instruct them at points where they go wrong and direct them to get best results.

  • Make Individual Goals As The Organization Goals

In the coming year, call in a team discussion and try to bring out the individual goals of every designated employee towards their work. Learn about their personal goals that they have set associated with their work.
This way, you will be able to connect the individual perspectives with organizational benefits. Convey your plans to the team and let them gain motivation from the fact that the company is also being benefited from their personal goals.

  • Put Efforts To Bring More Work-Life Balance For Employees

The COVID-19 pandemic has distorted the balance between personal and profession life as the companies were forced to switch to adopting the work-from-home culture. But now, with companies restarting their operations and opening their work spaces, the employees might find it challenging to work under the old, traditional work cycle.
Hence, as a leader, you should try to bring work-life balance for them the coming year to enhance their motivation towards work. You could propose fixed work-from-home days or half-day policies to begin with. Make a resolution to think from the employee point-of-view and come up with ways through which they can deliver productive outcomes.

  • Be The Leader That Your Employees Need

It is a human tendency for leaders to expect positive characteristics from their employees. But the most important aspect here is that you need to be the person that you want your employees to be. Employees look up to their leaders and adapt to the qualities that they see. So, if you expect reliability, dedication, loyalty and honesty from your employees, make sure that you adapt those characteristics within yourself first.

  • Appreciate More Often

An appreciation for good work is not so hard to give. The employees give their blood and sweat to help you run your company. They do it with the intention of helping their company grow and get a bit of an appreciation for their role in it.

As such, make a resolution to appreciate the efforts of your team members more often. It boosts their motivation to work with more dedication.

  • Listen To Your Employees Actively

Whether it is a review meeting, performance check, idea discussion or a casual informal talk, give time to your team members. Your employees are your team, and they expect you to listen to them just like you do.
So, make sure whenever you call in an employee for a discussion, or they come to you for forwarding any idea or information, put down the work you are doing and listen to them. The more actively you listen, the better solution you can suggest. Hence, this resolution will make you a better leader in all aspects.

  • Plan Better Reward Options

Monetary appraisals are not the only desirable perks as the employees seek a different reward for their motivation. So, this New Year, make plans to offer promotions, work-offs, early release, half-day perks and other such rewards. You can also offer them to supervise an entire project for their excellent work.



These are a few New Year resolutions that leaders should consider making in order to run their businesses smoothly in the coming year. The employees are returning back to the office premises after a long gap, and they expect to see some changes in the work cycle. So, bring that change with your resolutions and have a productive year ahead.

Comments (2)

  1. anil narula
    August 26, 2021

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  2. Edward Clarkson
    February 17, 2022

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