• Dr. Partha Sarathi Mishra IAS



5 Ways To Practice Financial Self-Care

Despite being overburdened for hours together, you might someday think of some ways to practice financial self-care by the simplest means. The current prevailing pandemic situation calls for a new orientation on personal fiscal management. First of all, you would need to know the exact meaning of financial self-care. 

What’s financial self-care?

Financial self-care means developing some habits that you can follow to ease your financial burden and take care of yourself at the same time. This doesn’t make you tired enough to drop the idea and leads to a better lifestyle. These steps can help you gain more confidence, build relationships and trust, practice self-care effectively.

5 Ways To Practice Financial  Self-Care 

  • Create a Budget – Try to note down everything you purchase or every bill you pay for the whole month. You can prefer jotting them down on a budget planner or design them yourselves for better understanding. Keeping a track on the budget can help you regulate the flow of money.
  • Know the Weaknesses – one might feel that spending every coin for the favourite dress noticed in a store is the best way possible. But later, one realises that they could spend that money on something else that matters most in life. No matter what that essential thing is, just try to prevent yourself from doing unnecessary spending.
  • Get Insured – Getting insured is the best way possible for helping yourself against unexpected expenses. Insurance can prove beneficial for the family even when one is not with them. Insurance can also increase your potential to earn from investments.
  • Pay Off The Debts – Debt is a serious threat to your financial security. Paying it off every time one is capable of doing so reduces the number of bills to be paid, improves one’s credit score, and makes one’s stress level decrease which helps to save further for future.
  • Save Some For Retirement – As per a slogan, “Save As Much As You Can” for retirement, the best way is to start from today. Contribute some part of the monthly or daily salary to the savings. Planning for retirement should include an assessment of risk factors, estimating amounts, determining tax returns, and every other essential matter that involves the use of money.

Importance Of Financial Self-Care

Apart from all the steps written above, individuals should take out some minutes every day for planning financial self-care. There’s no denying that this is the best methodology for financial wellness. Spending money on extravagance isn’t self-care. A comprehensive way of regulating its flow is self-care. Try to make every aspect of the amount spent intrinsically linked. This will make one the happiest of all being on earth and bring you peace which everyone aspires for.

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